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Hudson Bay Axe


Hudson Bay Axe

sold out

Hudson Bay Axe


Our Hudson Bay Axe is the perfect companion for the great outdoors.  We love it for overnights in the woods.  Small enough to pack and carry, yet big enough to get the job done.  

“Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice” - Henry Ford

Made from the highest quality steel and and premium hickory.

Each Axe is offered with optional three letter engraving.

Select this option and we will contact Within 24hrs to get your info.  Please refer to the images to see sizing and placement.



Custom Engraving:
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We coat the base of each handle with a durable lacquer and treat the raw hickory with a boiled linseed oil.

The head plus handle combines for an overall tool weight of approximately 2.75 lbs.

The Hudson Bay pattern is believed to have originated in the Biscayan area of Northern Spain and was first used in North America as a trading piece along the fur trade routes.   After it is drop forged, the axe head is rough ground and then the hand work begins:  an experienced artisan sharpens the cutting edge using increasingly fine abrasives and then finally with leather stropping.  

The 24-inch hickory handle (before assembly) is produced from a blank selected for grain orientation and density, making it strong. Our handle pattern features a prominent grip and a slim body that allows the handle to flex a bit, improving its ergonomics.  

A sharp axe is a safe axe as it is less likely to glance out of the cut.  Be assured that this axe has been hand honed by a skilled craftsmen and is ready to use – but is shaped with enough thickness to split campfire wood. All components are MADE IN USA.

  • Head will last a lifetime, we guarantee it.
  • Forged from 5160 grade alloy steel.
  • Bit is heat treated and quenched approximately 1" inch from the cutting edge, then tempered for maximum edge holding and toughness. Final hardness Rc 52-56.
  • Handle is made of grade "A" American hickory and its traditional pattern embodies the heirloom quality of axes from times gone by. 
  • Forged axe head is hung in a traditional manner using a softwood wedge along with a round steel wedge for added security.  
  • Axe head is coated with light oil to prevent rusting and to showcase the exceptional craftsmanship. A Linseed oil coating is applied to protect the handle.
  • Premium leather sheath protects the tool and user and features a buckle for fastening, a belt slit and an embossed logo.  Like its companion axe, the sheath is MADE IN USA.