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Ombre Hudson Bay Axe (custom painted one off)


Ombre Hudson Bay Axe (custom painted one off)

Axe flat USA.jpg
Axe with Sheath 2.jpg
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Handle Detail 2.jpg
Handle Detail.jpg
sold out

Ombre Hudson Bay Axe (custom painted one off)

from $250.00

Our Hudson Bay Axe is the perfect companion for the great outdoors.  We love it for overnights in the woods.  Small enough to pack and carry, yet big enough to get the job done.  

“Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice” - Henry Ford

Made from the highest quality steel and and premium hickory.

Each Axe is offered with optional three letter engraving.

Select this option and we will contact Within 24hrs to get your info.  Please refer to the images to see sizing and placement.



Custom Engraving:
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