Thomas Callahan
After a summer of pure all-road bliss, I had the rare opportunity to take my Horse on a 6 week work trip to San Francisco this October. The Bay Area is a rare place that puts every kind of road, trail, and path right in your back yard. Add in all kinds of stunning scenery, and its almost overwhelming. I tried to cover as many of the favorite local routes as I could, but I know I only scratched the surface:
Despite the endless options, I found myself spending a lot of time exploring the Marin Headlands. It was hard to believe that such amazing riding was only 20 minutes from my front door just over the Golden gate.
Packed inside its 15 square miles was everything I could ask for; challenging climbs, swooping descents, rugged dirt trails, unbelievable landscapes, ocean views, and some pretty awesome wildlife to boot.
As a Brooklyn based cyclist, I’ll be missing those magical foggy Headlands’ loops for a while. In NYC it’s back to working for the weekends and driving, training, or riding long distances to find scenic roads. The struggle is real, but it makes you appreciate these incredible places and the machines we use to explore them even more.
All Road Elite
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Thanks to Nik Karbelnikoff who wrote these words and took these great photos and continues to inspire with his dedication to two wheel adventure.
SOME OF MY FAVORITE ROUTS: San Francisco to Santa Cruz Twin Peaks Planet of the Apes Mt. Tam – Paved and fire roads Seven Sisters Faifax Bolinas Rd Bolinas Ridge Fire Rd. Muir Woods Mt. Diablo Marin Headlands