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Kath's lovely roadster step-through

Alexander Vijay Smith

The Story: I met Kath and her husband at the New Amsterdam Bike Show.  They were interested in a high quality bike and really wanted to get something locally made.  A few months later the bicycle was complete.  I love all the bikes I make here at the work shop but some are special.  This bike was the culmination of a rewarding  collaborative experience. The Bike: This bike is the ultimate townie.  We chose to outfit her  650B wheels to accommodate the smaller rider and tighter geometry.  It has internal brake cable routing, hooked up to a powerful PAUL V-brake.  The Shifter cable is also internally routed through the down tube and links to a internally geared 8-speed hub.  A bar end shifter was installed for ease of use and a stream-lined aesthetic.  We polished the whole frame and had it chromed, finishing everything off with a brilliant yellow paint job and a all American component group.  Though this bike is not my size, I still took it for a test ride, as I do all the bikes that roll out of the shop.  It rolled so effortlessly down the street and was such a pleasantly comfortable ride that I almost wanted to keep it for my-self.  This lovely bike had a great deal to do with the decision to include a ladies step-through in our new production line of bikes called the Urban-Tour. Hopefully continuing the legacy of this little roadster.  Please see more photos on our flickr page.

"Hi Thomas, We have moved to a house right by the water in Port Melbourne. There is  bike track that runs along the water. Life is good here! As you can see I have finally unpacked my bike and taken it for a spin. It's such a comfortable ride you did an amazing job -thanks!!" Katherine Milton